Although EOH is cancelled this year, we have made lots of progress on our robot. Projectile dysfunction has come a long way from its initial CAD. Our biggest challenge with this robot was the pneumatics. We had a combination of paintball pneumatics and industrial automation pneumatics fit together to create a powerful flipper. We finalized the CAD and then waterjet the parts for the frame. We tapped all frame parts and soldered some components for our controls. Our motors and vescs are not here yet due to the pandemic, which delayed shipping on many of our parts. As we waited for those parts to come in, we tested our pneumatic weapon assembly with 120psi to see if we need to make adjustments to the pipe lengths, fittings and etc. While we did conduct some tests, we cannot make any changes until we test it with the paintball tank at the intended operation pressure, which for safety reasons will be at standstill until we are allowed back on campus. We can safely say that our robot is well on its way towards being fully functional and combat ready for the competition!
Our team learned a lot about pneumatics, sourcing parts, machining, and in the process of designing and building this robot we also became more experienced in handling unforeseen issues. This robot was a design challenge, but our team leads and members contributed lots of time and research that helped with the progress of our robot. While the current global situtaion is daunting, we hope everyone is safe and excited for the next competition!
As soon as we come back together as a team, we will finish up this robot and test it for the next RoboBrawl competition! Check out our design iterations below:
Initial Version
Second Version
Third Version
Final Version
Partial Assembly