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Fully Torqued semester wrap-up

The sophomore combotics team had a successful year designing, building, and fighting Danger Zone. Although it only competed in one match, Danger Zone had several ...

Senior Combots Wrap-up

The senior team had a great time designing and building BumbleBot v2 this year. The build was completed a bit ahead of schedule leaving plenty ...

Killer UniKorns Wrap-up

The Killer UniKorns wrapped up a successful year. Being our first year, we had a steep learning curve at the beginning of first semester. We ...

ILLINIhilation Robotics: End of Season Review

The ILLINIhilation Robotics Team has completed another successful season this year. Although our team was slightly behind schedule in the building of the robot, we ...

Mechabytes 2017 Wrap-up

The Mechabytes had a great first year of competition. For the majority of the season, we were behind schedule, but our members pulled together in ...

Transfarmers 2017 Review:

It's time for the Transfarmers to wrap up a fun and successful year. This year we worked hard to be ahead of schedule and had ...

MuTan(Clan) Signing Off

MuTan(Clan), as the senior MRDC team, designed a new and radical robot. Considerably more compact than the past robots we have designed, this robot had ...

DTD semester wrap up

The junior comobotics team had a great season building The Kraken. The Kraken is a full body spinner, the only of its kind in our ...

Robobrawl Livestream Links

Links for the Robobrawl livestreams are up! The actual streams will take place Friday, 9AM-4PM and Saturday, 9AM-3PM. Day 1: Day 2: ...

Great Start to the Build Season

The Transfarmers are off to a great start to our build season. We have already finished our drivetrain and created a prototype electrical board for ...

2017 Combotics Registration Form Available

Registration for the 2017 Robobrawl is now active! Fill out this form: and will contact you about where to mail the $50 deposit ...

MuTan(Clan) Crunch Time

With just one semester left in our iRobotics careers, MuTan(Clan) is preparing for the Midwestern Robotics Design Competition in style! With our new plate design, ...

DTD is ready for build season

The Junior Combotics team has been working hard to redesign their robot. After pivoting halfway through the semester to a full body spinner, we have ...

Transfarmers Semester Wrap-up

The Transfarmers have finished the semester strong with a finalized Cad model of our drivetrain and concepts for each of our manipulators. Our drivetrain is ...

AlphaAF: End of Semester Post

The senior combotics team, AlphaAF, have finalized the design of their drumbot. The CAD model is near completion and materials have been purchased. Drivetrain testing ...

Killer UniKorns Semester Wrap-Up

The Killer UniKorns worked to finish up all of the details on our bot design before the end of the semester. We intend to finish ...

ILLINIhilation: End of the Semester

The Illinihilation team wrapped up the fall semester with a final team meeting to discuss the designs for the soccer ball intake and output. From ...

Working through Winter Break!

The Mechabytes meet before we left for break to briefly go over our plans to complete the model of the drive train before we came ...

Mechabytes Brainstorming Mechanisms

The Mechabytes team had another meeting just before finals started. We took time to go over the updated rules and field drawings. Afterwards, we quickly ...

FIRST Lego League Qualifier

iRobotics volunteered at the FIRST Lego League Qualifier held at Loomis Laboratory on December 3, 2016. iRobotics had members as referees and volunteers. There were ...

Carrie Busey Elementary School Outreach

On November 17th, 2016, iRobotics was able to present to a group of ~100 elementary school students about robotics at their Science Fair! This is ...

iRobotics FLL Scrimmage

iRobotics ran a FIRST Lego League Scrimmage on Saturday 11/12/2016 on the University of Illinois campus. We had two competition tables and one practice table ...

Ready For Build Season

Team Captains worked hard this week prepping our space for build season. The ESPL is the only build space and machine shop access for 9 ...

Mechanical Engineering Open House

iRobotics took the MechSE Open House by storm! We had the opportunity to show off all of our hard work to wide eyed prospective students ...


iRobotics played paintball at Saltfork this past Saturday. Thank you to everyone that came out to it and I hope you had a great time ...

ILLINIhilation Planning Out The Season

The ILLINIhilation team just had another meeting, this time to plan out the tasks and deadlines for the team leading up to competition. We are ...

Robobrawl 2017 Livestreaming

We are pleased to announce an exciting new feature for the 2017 Robobrawl: livestreaming! You would not expect that one of these security cameras would ...

Robobrawl 2017 Ruleset Published!

The rules for Robobrawl 2017 have been published and can be found at If you have any questions, contact Tor Shepherd at ...

Combotics Kick-off

The combotics teams are starting the year strong! The planned bots are: Killer UniKorns (freshman team): Drumbot Fully Torqued (sophomore team): Horizontal Spinner Dusk til ...

Franklin Middle School Outreach!

On Tuesday of this week, iRobotics went to Franklin Middle School's STEM classroom, continuing our outreach efforts at Franklin from last year. Students worked in ...

October Bar Crawl

iRobotics had its first bar crawl of the school year. Thank you to everyone that showed up to it, I hope you had a good ...

Electronics Workshops

We have just finished the second electronics workshop of the three part series. So far, members have learned how to write a program in C# ...

The MuTan(Plan) ’16-’17

MuTan(Clan) is starting out strong for our senior year! With plans to improve our mechanical design, motor output, and better wireless communication systems, we look ...

VEX Off to a Running Start

VEX is moving along nicely, with the robot already about 2/3 of the way done, and coding running close behind! We've had great turnout so ...

iRobotics GM- 10-4-16

Recently we had our October GM with great turnout, apparently almost 130 people where there. This is a record high for the iRobotics GMs this ...

Transfarmers Getting Ready for a New Season

The transfarmers have been getting ready for our second year by cleaning our space in the ESPL and working on our robot from the previous ...

Team ILLINIhilation First Meeting

The ILLINIhilation team just had its first team meeting to talk team logistics, explain the things we do know about this season's competition, and start ...

The new season has begun!

Welcome to the next iRobotics season! The ILLINIhilation team is getting ready for the upcoming MRDC season by first cleaning up our ESPL area and ...

EVO Robotics Signing Off

This is a little late but here it goes. These past 4 years have been quite a wild ride for EVO Robotics. Pushing the boundaries ...

iRobotics Takes Engineering Dodgeball By Storm

MuTan(Clan) and Transfarmers duked it out in the Engineering Dodgeball Tournament hosted by iRobotics, SWE, and OSTEM ...

MuTan(Clan) Wrapup

Although this post is a tad late, MuTan(Clan) finally had our final team meeting to conclude this season. While not performing as well as we ...

iRobotics Bowling Night a Success!

Thanks to all the members who showed up for the bowling event last week! We had a lot of fun despite our apparent lack of ...

ILLINIhilation Success, Made it to the Finals!

The competition is over, and despite many problems, the sophomore MRDC team was able to hold strong, pushing into the final round and receiving 4th ...

RFS6K Robot Build Complete!

After many long days in the ESPL, the senior battlebot is finally complete! We have named the bot "Who do you know here?" in honor ...

EVO Construction Update

We're about 2 weeks out from competition now, and the ball is rolling. Checkout some new shots of our recent paint job and our Jump ...

MuTan(Clan) Moving Forwards

MuTan has finished welding our entire frame together, and have painted it a stunning glossy black. We have also painted many of our other components ...

And It Begins!

Build for the MuTan(Clan)! Our mechanical team has been working has been working hard in the past few weeks designing and preparing parts for our ...

EVO’s Overdue Update

It's been a while since our last update, but we've been hard at work. On the mechanical side of things, EVO's unveiling a new design ...

MuTanClan Frame Construction Meeting

Mutan has completely disassembled all of its old frame and has cut out all of the aluminum tubing for the new frame( as seen in ...

ILLINIhilation (Un)Build Meeting

With the MRDC competition approaching quickly, it's time for the ILLINIhilation's previous robot to retire from duty. Our build and electrical sub-teams disassembled the robot's ...

RFS6K First Build Meeting

The senior battlebots team is off to a great start this year, with our first meeting earlier this week! The entire frame has been waterjet ...

DTD First build meeting

The sophomore combotics team had their first build meeting this Saturday. The frame is fitting together, and we are nearly done with making the rest ...

RSO Involvement Day: 1st Place

A big thanks to everyone who visited us today at the RSO Involvement Fair today! I personally met a large number of prospective new members ...

Junior Combots Finish the Robobrawl Arena Retaining Wall

The Junior Combotics Team, AlphaAF, rallied to finish cutting and welding the arena retaining wall this past week. This is one of many teams working ...

Robobrawl 2016 Ruleset

The rule set for the 2016 Robobrawl competition is up! Please read it in its completeness if you plan on competing. If you have any ...

Franklin Middle School Outreach!

This week, iRobotics helped out at Franklin Middle School, continuing our outreach efforts there from last year. Students worked in partners and teams to build ...

iRobotics Office Hours

iRobotics is now hosting office hours! Please feel free to drop in for any exec member's office hours ...

ILLINIhilation Electrical Sub-Team Meeting

The Sophomore MRDC team just had its first electrical and pneumatic systems sub-team meeting. We discussed an overview of the electronic system for the robot, ...

Team ILLINIhilation Programming Meeting

Team ILLINIhilation had their first programming meeting of the semester on Nov 8, Sunday. We went through the code base from last semester getting to ...

ILLINIhilation Design Meetings Commenced!

View post on With the release of this season's MRDC rules, ILLINIhilation is now in full design mode. We just finished our first design ...

MuTan Standing Strong

With the imminent game release, MuTan(Clan) held a general meeting to discuss our progress and plans for the future. With approximately ...

Edison Middle School Outreach!

This week, iRobotics helped out at Edison Middle School, continuing our outreach efforts there from last year. Students worked in partners and teams to build ...

iRobotics Paintball Event Successful!

Our recent trip to Saltfork Paintball had a great turnout! Battles were fought, bruises were earned, and we all lined up like crazy people to ...

Controls Under Control

After some rough last minute controls issues during our sophomore season, MuTan has begun work on our controls testing board early ...

MechSE Open House

On Friday, October 9th, iRobotics presented at the MechSE Open House in the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory. We brought a number of Combots and MRDC bots ...

iRobotics GM 10/6

On October 6th, we had our first GM of the year. We packed the room with well over 100 members! Team captains presented their plans ...

First Senior Combotics Meeting

Thanks to everyone who showed up to the first Senior Combotics meeting yesterday, it already looks like we are in for a great season! We ...

ILLINIhilation Team First Meeting

The sophomore MRDC team had their first meeting! Thank you for all of those who came on a Sunday afternoon to the meeting. We discussed ...

A New Team’s Beginning

The MRDC Freshman Team just had their first meeting! Hosted by the ILLINIhilation Team, we introduced the competition and the team structure to the new ...

iRobotics Opening BBQ Success!

Thanks to everyone who came out for the opening BBQ, we had a great crowd, good food, and a lot of ultimate frisbee! Around 30 ...

A Grand Beginning

This year has gotten of to an amazing start with this year's recruiting and info session. After receiving nearly 900 new signups at quad day ...

Dow Chemical Tech Talk

Today we were delighted to host Paul Morabito, Automation Team Leader, speaking on safety and how Dow uses robotics. Thank you to everyone who attended ...

Edison Middle School Outreach!

This week, iRobotics helped out at Edison Middle School, a newcomer to the iRobotics Outreach family. Students worked in partners and teams to build towers ...

Ford Tech Talk

Huge thank you to Shunsuke Okubo from Ford for speaking on Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Engineering today! It was a really interesting talk and we're ...

Demo Day Spring 2015

This semester's demo day was a blast! We set up a mock JSDC field and got a chance to tell some of our sponsors how ...

Combotics Robobrawl 2015: Post Event Synopsis

2015 was the first year for the Combotics Robobrawl and the first time that Combotics has had eight teams. Previously, we operated in a two-team ...

EVO Could Catch Them All!

This past season has been one of tremendous growth for EVO Robotics. Since this was a brand new game it required a brand new strategy ...

Jefferson Middle School Outreach!

iRobotics continued its involvement in the local community with more STEM outreach at Jefferson Middle School. This time, students were instructed to construct a device ...

Franklin Middle School Outreach!

iRobotics continued its encouragement of STEM in the local community at Franklin Middle School! Students had to work together in teams to build a tower ...

Seniors signing off with a victory

We are proud to announce that for the first time in iRobotics' history, our senior JSDC team, the Brobots, managed to get first place in ...

Successful Freshmen!

It’s been an awesome season for ILLINIhilation! Despite a very low number of members actively participating on the team, and major issues with some of ...

The Curse Breakers

Today, despite all odds, we of the MuTan(Clan) emerged on top (well slightly down and to left, but close enough). After suffering numerous setbacks like ...

The Final Stretch

With only a few days left, we of the MuTan(Clan) are putting our noses to the grind stone. As of tonight, our robot is nearly ...

4 Days and Counting!

The week of Engineering Open House is here! Now it is a time crunch to get our robot ready for competition. ILLINIhilation has been working ...

It’s Crunch Time!

I hope you all haven't forgotten about us. EVO Robotics is back in in action gearing up for this year's JSDC Competition ...

Spring Resume Reviews and Mock Interviews

We have just concluded our second and final resume review/mock interview session of the academic year! Best of luck to everyone hitting the career fair ...

Akuna Capital Tech Talk

We hosted Akuna Capital for a tech talk this past Thursday, 1/29, and had a terrific turnout! Ken Taylor gave a very interesting talk on ...

February General Meeting

The first general meeting of 2015 will be held on Tuesday, February 3rd beginning at 7 pm in Grainger Auditorium in ECEB. We welcome all ...

First Semester Report

The MuTan(Clan) is an all sophomore team that competes in the annual Jerry Sanders Design Competition. This past semester marked the beginning of our second ...

Combotics RoboBrawl

Come one, come all to the Combotics Robobrawl! Put your mechanical prowess to the test as you compete in 1v1 matches against your peers. This ...

Next Generation Family Engineering Night

iRobotics members went out to Next Generation school on November 19th, 2014 to Co-Host a Family Engineering Night with PTS & NOBE Students and their ...

Mahomet-Seymour Junior High School Outreach

For our final middle school outreach event of the semester, we went to Mahomet-Seymour Junior High School on December 4, 2014 to do a hands-on ...

2nd Annual iRobotics FLL Scrimmage

iRobotics hosted it's 2nd Annual FLL scrimmage for local teams to come and practice their robot on the field as well as practice their Core ...

Franklin Middle School Outreach

iRobotics members went out to Franklin Middle School on November 14th, 2014 to do a hands on STEM Activity. The students were split into groups ...

Fall Demo Day

This past Wednesday was our second Demo Day, held at the John Deere Pavilion. We had a good number of iRobotics sponsors and supporters come ...

Jefferson Middle School Outreach!

iRobotics members traveled to Jefferson Middle School in Champaign to work with kids on October 28, 2014. We worked with the kids to build towers ...

C# Workshop

Thanks for coming down to the C# Workshop! Resources I used: Slides XAML Notes C# Notes If you have any questions or feedback, feel free ...

October General Meeting

Thanks everyone for coming down to our October General Meeting! Everyone who attended will get one Active Memebership point. Slides ...