On Saturday, October 20th, iRobotics hosted its first Robot Day in collaboration with the Orpheum Children’s Science Museum to inspire, engage, and educate children of all ages through the exploration of the sciences. Robot Day involved multiple engineering societies from the university as well as a local FIRST FRC team. We were […]
37 posts
This code can likely be optimized but it functions to the performance needed, so there is not a great need to optimize every part. The code for the robot is written in Arduino C++, and is compiled and uploaded to the ESP8266-12e that acts as the ‘brain’ of the robot. […]
In order to reduce the overall cost and allow for a fully ready to go electronics package, Eric Layne designed a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) that allows all the components to be soldered together and only require a battery connector and the motors to be attached in order to allow […]