Things we discussed
1) Individual team leads for Mech, Elec and Prog will meet on their own to work on their assigned tasks.
2) Updates
CAD Designs for drivetrain
Materials to buy/make our own modules?
SBRIO + Control System overview
- Try to write a program to control the drive train in C#
Stuff you need to do
1) Fill out the Contact Info Form
This form also has a question which asks about which subcommittee you want to be a part of. The respective team leads will get your emails and contact you.
This form also has a question which asks about which subcommittee you want to be a part of. The respective team leads will get your emails and contact you.
2) Research on the following
- SBRIO 9642
Look up manuals from here
Especially these 2 (hereand here) - Beagleboard
Seems like a cheap controller which fits our needs really well. Look up the specs and give your opinion. - Driver Feedback Cameras
Look up some good cameras (such as network ip cameras) which are affordable and easy to use - Limit Switches with mounts (or someone suggested 3D printing the mounts?)
I will try to post all these meeting summaries on as well.
Have a great week ahead!