Today, despite all odds, we of the MuTan(Clan) emerged on top (well slightly down and to left, but close enough). After suffering numerous setbacks like lost packages, fried microcontrollers, and many sleepless nights getting ready, we were able to fight our way to the final round of the elimination tournament and were awarded second place, losing only to our very own Senior team, the Brobots.
With this years robot not only being a highly efficient golfer, but also a crowd favorite with our bright lights and sound system, one can see just how much we have grown in just over a year. While we’ve taken a huge step from last year’s 19th place finish, we plan to continue to work as hard as we can to win that golden prize next year. I’m happy to say that we of the MuTan(Clan) have defeated the sophomore curse, and are already looking forward to our curse-free junior year.