Finishing out the spring semester, Freshman Combots has been hard at work on CRACK V2, our mecanum drive hammer/axe bot. As of this post, we’ve competed at two competitions with our robot: NHRL January New Bots, and Robobrawl 2024. We placed 5-8th at NHRL, and 5-6th at Robobrawl. The picture™. […]
Pacbot 2023 Semester Recap This season we are making major changes to Pacbot, including bringing the competition to UIUC. Last season we won 1st place at the 2023 Harvard Undergraduate Robotics Pacbot Competition. During the competition, we saw how much potential the Pacbot competition has and felt that the competition […]
This semester was pretty unique compared to the team’s previous four semesters. Working on two robots simultaneously throughout the semester allowed the team to have hands-on experience manufacturing one robot, while also designing another from the ground up. Our two focuses were repairing and improving upon last year’s robot, Goose, […]