Team Captain
Accident Prone is iRobotics’ Junior Combotics team.
Fall 2024 – 120 Slugs Off to a Surprisingly Speedy Start
Hey, everybody! We are 120 Slugs, this year’s freshman combat robotics team. Below is a summary of our progress so far this semester. We started off the semester by brainstorming designs for our robot. Ultimately, we chose to go with a vertical spinner design over our other options because of its high attack potential combined […]

Accident Prone – Fall 2021 Update
Accident prone has spent a majority of the meeting times this semester working on choosing components for a vertical spinner and brainstorming ideas for the weapon. In the past, we have designed a drum spinner, horizontal spinner and a pneumatic flipper, this year we chose to challenge ourselves with a vertical spinner robot for Robobrawl […]

Accident Prone – Junior Year Robot
Accident prone is focusing on designing a horizontal spinner this year. We picked out all of our electronics such as the drive motors, weapon motor, ESCs and batteries. We are working on making a gearbox, primarily based on Space Jam’s sophomore year robot. We are making changes to it to make it a bit more […]