This semester was a learning experience for all of the members of freshman Combots. All of us came in without much experience building the type of robot we would need for competition. The first few meetings of RWE (Real World Experience) were spent deciding on a general strategy for competition, […]
Sophomore Combots
11 posts
Accident Prone has come a long way this semester in terms of robot design for its new flipper bot – Projectile Dysfunction! We started out with the idea of doing a flipper last semester after the Robobrawl Competition. As we met again this semester, we started from the basics of […]
As we progress into the design stage of our robot, new members have had a great opportunity in learning new things and took a part in designing parts of the robot. Here are their thoughts about our team thus far! Jonah: This semester in iRobotics I learned a lot about […]