For the past semester, PacBot has been focusing on improving our controls from previous years and developing solid firmware for our new custom motor drivers. Since we likely won’t have a competition this season, we’ve put our time into refining our development process and modularizing our code base and approach. […]
Other Projects
23 posts
Team Members: Ellie Beck & Ameer Taher When we were initially brainstorming ideas for our robot’s weapon and design, we used previous year’s bots for inspiration to help us see what works well for a robot this small. During this, we had a few things in mind; the internals of […]
Accident prone is focusing on designing a horizontal spinner this year. We picked out all of our electronics such as the drive motors, weapon motor, ESCs and batteries. We are working on making a gearbox, primarily based on Space Jam’s sophomore year robot. We are making changes to it to […]